## 1. Organization Names
1. Non-Latin Organization Name
Where an EV Applicant's organization name is not registered with a QGIS in _Latin_ characters and the Applicant's foreign character organization name and registration have been verified with a QGIS in accordance with these Guidelines, a CA MAY include a Latin character organization name in the EV Certificate. In such a case, the CA MUST follow the procedures laid down in this section.
2. Romanized Names
In order to include a transliteration/Romanization of the registered name, the Romanization MUST be verified by the CA using a system officially recognized by the Government in the Applicant's Jurisdiction of Incorporation.
If the CA can not rely on a transliteration/Romanization of the registered name using a system officially recognized by the Government in the Applicant's Jurisdiction of Incorporation, then it MUST rely on one of the options below, in order of preference:
A. A system recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
B. A system recognized by the United Nations; or
C. A Lawyer's Opinion or Accountant's Letter confirming the proper Romanization of the registered name.
3. Translated Name
In order to include a Latin character name in the EV certificate that is not a direct Romanization of the registered name (e.g. an English Name) the CA MUST verify that the Latin character name is:
A. Included in the Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent document) filed as part of the organization registration; or
B. Recognized by a QTIS in the Applicant's Jurisdiction of Incorporation as the Applicant's recognized name for tax filings; or
C. Confirmed with a QIIS to be the name associated with the registered organization; or
D. Confirmed by a Verified Legal Opinion or Accountant's Letter to be a translated trading name associated with the registered organization.