### Individual identity verification
The CA MUST verify the Applicant's identity using one of the following processes:
1. The CA MUST obtain a legible copy, which discernibly shows the Certificate Requester's face, of at least one currently valid government-issued photo ID (passport, driver's license, military ID, national ID, or equivalent document type). The CA MUST inspect the copy for any indication of alteration or falsification. The CA MUST also verify the address of the Certificate Requester using (i) a government-issued photo ID, (ii) a QIIS or QGIS, or (iii) an access code to activate the Certificate where the access code was physically mailed to the Certificate Requester; OR
2. The CA MUST have the Certificate Requester digitally sign the Certificate Request using a valid personal Certificate that was issued under one of the following adopted standards: Qualified Certificates issued pursuant to ETSI TS 101 862, IGTF, Adobe Signing Certificate issued under the AATL or CDS program, the Kantara identity assurance framework at level 2, NIST SP 800-63 at level 2, or the FBCA CP at Basic or higher assurance.