#### Non ASCII character substitution
The CA MAY allow the Conversion of Subject Identity Information usually rendered in non-ASCII characters (including Accent or Umlaut-accented characters) using a system commonly used in the Applicant's Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration, or recognized by the United Nations or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The CA SHOULD state the used Conversion systems in its CP and/or CPS. For example, regardless of capitalization:
* Accent characters MAY be represented by their ASCII equivalent. For example é, à, í, ñ, or ç MAY be represented by e, a, i, n, or c, respectively.
* Umlaut-accented characters such as ä, ö, ü MAY be represented by either ae, oe, ue or a, o, u, respectively.
The CA MAY include an ASCII character name that is not a direct Conversion of the Applicant's registered name provided that it is verified in a Reliable Data Source or suitable Attestation.